
2012 - The End Is Near

To all Road Kill minded people out there : Keep the wheels spinning and do it your way!

2012, just another year to endure, suffer in style fellow metal riders. Have fun and enjoy it while it last!

Seize The Day-Aloha 2012


this sunday

Hell Yeah...



When it's in your veins it's too late...

You know this was coming, you Road Killer you!

SpeeedNight December coming up, ride the frozen ride of a lifeTIME, then burn in hell (yeah), NOTHING TO LOSE amigos!

The best of the worst will mark the end the year 2011 before we all perish as the world comes to an end 2012.
Cronos is the new messiah…helleluhya you sheep of the human flock!

Goodbye and thanks for the fish….

Bike rules! FTW!


Metal check...

Need to tone down the mascara if you ask me...but these Polish guys have blackened the Death Metal sound to an awesome beast. Nice!



Bike Porn

check this :  http://fixedoxford.blogspot.com/

This could work...

True innovators

Can't stress how important Napal Death is for the global music scene. Politically standing firm and holding their ground against fascism, oppression and a corrupt police state. If Michael Moore was into grind core (maybe he is...?) he would be in Napalm Death. If he rode a bike (maybe he is...?) he would mash with the RxKxBx...he he

Todays Metal Check


Fat, cool as a corpse brutal death metal from...you know where....!

Check 'em out


The Betrayers new legs

Told my welder to make a copy of the bike stand I use for my bikes back home in Tokyo. The guy never seen a "real" bike before but it took him only 2h from a poor drawing from me to produce this beauty...

In Thailand the farmer/fishing/blue-collar boys have learned to either do it themselves or not having any at all. If there is a will there is a way!

 Now I can park in style...

Runhild Gammelsaeter

Thorr's Hammer - American/Norwegian black/doom/dark metal

I'm in love...


Death Of Sweeeden

Todays metal check : FACEBREAKER

Scandinavia has it all when it comes to Death Metal, hell, metal in general. Poland belongs to Scandinavia as you know...now it does...basta!

At The Gates, Entombed, Dismember, Impious, Unleashed, Bloodbath, Grave, ...Candlemass,  just to name a few


Remember the -KnuckleHeads-

-Best day of my life-

a Trick - (informal) a prostitute's client.

Riding a bike is no Trick, who tricked you into that stupid idea?

What is so fucking Tricky about it...ne ?

RxKxBx, proudly representing trick free fast and straight forward street cycling in four continents…

Pedal to the Metal…or cruise back to the nearest "bike Cafe" and continue nurse that whipped cream laden mocca frappochino with a "I Love bike polo" pin on your $500 "messenger" bag securely fasten on your back (empty looks cool). That tight Brooklyn cap won't do it for you my sly friend, wake up.

Protest & Survive